Kaizen Today I Learned by Ville Säävuori

Posts tagged gitlab

Testing Postgres + PostGIS on GitLab CI

Setting uo PostgreSQL + PostGIX extension for GitLab CI was easy once I figured out how to configure the needed services right way. Here’s the gist of my setup for testing a Django app: Use a main image that includes needed Postgres + PostGIS deps: image: 'registry.gitlab.com/uninen/docker-images/python-postgis:3.9' I use my own Python Docker images which are based on optimized Revsys Python images and come with most of the commonly needed system packages preinstalled for speedy build process and testing.

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Running Playwright in GitLab CI

Had some trouble getting Playwright to run properly on GitLab CI so decided to document my learnings here. Playwright CI documentation was helpful for tracking and tackling the problems: Setting DEBUG=pw:browser* environment variable will output debug logs during the browser install which is really helpful. Most issues seem to relate to memory handling and consumption.

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Weeknotes 2020/51 - NPM packages, GitLab CI, SwiftUI, architecturing

This week was broken into a number of small projects, mainly around Slipmat development. I also worked on various pieces of tooling that helps with this blog and various project dashboards. I had a birthday on Thursday, I played my radio show in Friday, and I managed to take one whole day off, so this week was much less productive in general than last week.

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Integrating GitLab to Discord

GitLab has two methods for third-party integrations: webhooks and official integrations. Discord has an official integration page but it turns out it has a bug where the save button just hangs and doesn’t save anything, which makes adding the integrations quite annoying. Learned through trial and error today that if you hit “Test Settings”-button before save, the save still hangs but now the integration is saved after some time.

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Optimal Workflow For GitLab Merge Requests

I’ve been working a lot with GitLab Merge Requests lately and stumbled by accident to a workflow that makes creating and working with MRs easy. When you have a ticket that relates to the MR, name your repo starting with the ticket number: 42-figure-out-life Now push the branch empty branh. GitLab project page suggests you to open a MR (and if the repo has configured it, the MR link also shows in the Git log as well).

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