Kaizen  Today I Learned by Ville Säävuori

Weeknotes 2020/51 - NPM packages, GitLab CI, SwiftUI, architecturing

This week was broken into a number of small projects, mainly around Slipmat development. I also worked on various pieces of tooling that helps with this blog and various project dashboards.

I had a birthday on Thursday, I played my radio show in Friday, and I managed to take one whole day off, so this week was much less productive in general than last week.

Fetching Tweets to a Hugo blog with GitLab CI

I published not one but two NPM packages this week. Both of these were needed for this TIL blog of mine, but they also are the first steps for starting collecting my own data in JSON format for something like Simon Willisons dogsheep.

tweets-to-json is a simple package that does what it says on the tin. I tried to make it flexible but there’s plenty of room for improvements still. To be able to update the tweets to this blog via the GitLab CI, I also wrote push-to-repo which is a small node wrapper for GitLab API that updates a single file from CI to back the repo. Together I can use these to update and rebuild this blog with a scheduled CI script.

Automatically updating and displaying Tweets with a Hugo blog

Now that I have a CI script that periodically fetches my Tweets as a JSON file, I wanted to link them to these TIL-posts based on hashtags and username mentions. The latter is still a work in progress but I managed to update the blog templates to include latest related tweets to these posts. The relevant template code:

first, selet tweets whose tags intersect the post tags:

{{ $related_tweets := where $.Site.Data.tweets ".tags" "intersect" .Params.tags }}

then, if there were related tweets, show an aside:

  {{if gt (len $related_tweets) 0}}
  <aside class="md:w-5/12">
    <h2 class="my-4 text-lg font-semibold">
      Latest related tweets from <a href="https://twitter.com/uninen">@Uninen</a>

    {{ range first 5 $related_tweets -}}
    <div class="mb-4">
      {{$pubdate := time (int .timestamp)}}

      {{ .text | markdownify }}

      <a href="https://twitter.com/uninen/status/{{ .id }}"><time class="block font-mono text-sm leading-tight text-gray-400" datetime="{{ dateFormat "2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00" ($pubdate) }}">
          {{ $pubdate.Format "Jan 2, 2006 15:04" }}
    {{ end }}

I seem to use @-mentions more than hashtags in my tweets so I need to figure out a way to link Twitter usernames to tags and then filter with them as well.
