Kaizen Today I Learned by Ville Säävuori

Posts tagged vue

Ignoring Type Errors in Vue Templates

Sometimes you just need to work around type issues by using @ts-ignore or preferably @ts-expect-error. But what if the error shows up in your typed Vue template? Turns out Vue language tools gained a support doing exactly this not too long ago. You can use @vue-ignore and @vue-expect-error like so:

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Sharp Edges When Building APIs On Google Cloud Run

I deployed my first Google Cloud Run project this week as my weekend project. It was a very simple Python (FastAPI) backend and a Vue (Vite/TS) frontend. This was also my first multi-layer Docker image as it was so simple to figure out what data to copy on the final layer:

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Weeknotes 2022/17 - Software Architecture: Splitting Up Large Projects

Most non-trivial real life production apps usually require an order of magnitude more planning and configuring than the simple templates from where most projects are started from. I spent the last week testing and planning out the final configuration which would be best suited for an Django app with Vue frontend.

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Weeknotes 2022/11 - Vue 2 to Vue 3 Migrations, Vite Starter Improvements

I started a major Vue 2 to 3 conversion for a major part of the Slipmat.io project. I’m already getting triggered by the numbering after a decade long Python 2 to 3 battle. I have a script in the repo that counts some basic stats for me. The initial numbers after the first night:

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Weeknotes 2022/10 - New Vue Defaults, FastAPI Starter Template

Vue 3 utility and tooling ecosystem has evolved a lot from the Vue 2 world. I’ve been keeping my Vite + Vue starter template as up to date as possible since I’m using it myself almost weekly to start new repos and I want it to have everything a typical project uses pre-configured and ready to go.

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Weeknotes 2022/8 - Github Copilot, Weekend Vue Project, War in Europe

To say this was a crazy week would be the understatement of the century. But, just to keep myself a small corner of normality, I’ll try to keep the war talk out of this blog and these weeknotes. That said, Слава Україні! Github Copilot I’ve been using the new AI code suggestion tool from Github for a while now and in general I like it a lot for TypeSCript / Vue projects.

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Initial Learnings With Electron

The following are my learnings from the first proper Electron project building the Slipmat Soundboard app. The app is open source, and like all Slipmat projects, it’s geared towards DJs and artists. Storing Electron state and preferences This was the very first thing I wanted to figure out as I wasn’t sure which would be the best way to do this.

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Optimize vue-devtools performance

Vue devtools is a must-have tool for Vue development but the default settings might hurt your app performance. Current vue-devtools (v6.0.12 at the time of writing) has two tabs: Inspector and Timeline. The Timeline tab has both Component events and Performance calculations on by default which might severily the performance of your app if it happens to send mouse events or other events that happen frequently.

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Weeknotes 2022/6 - Electron, Vue

This week I started working on a new native app for Slipmat using Electron. I’ve been slowly building a starter template for Python + Electron for few months now ever since Simon published his Datasette app. I’ve intentionally kept the project on a slow burner and returned to it every now and then to give myself time to get a better general understanding of the Electron framework.

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Weeknotes 2022/4 - Web Components And Search

Native Web Components are something I’ve wanted to learn better for a long time. I decided to try to build a simple search component for this blog and packaging it as a Web Component seemed a good idea. Turns out, in practise, that solution is not at all optimal if the component needs any non-trivial markup as it’s hard to change that markup and styling it is super hard.

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